Friday, May 20, 2011

speculations about oil speculators!

Here is something to consider? Why is it we are always getting the short end of the stick when it comes to gas prices?  Speculators make predictions about how high the price of a barrel of oil which is a self fulfilling prophecy.  These predictions benefit them financially by crippling us, the average working class Joe's, and the poor, the elderly and those who can't fend for themselves.  Why hasn't there been an investigation until now? Who are we supposed to turn to for help?  Who is to blame for the economic crisis that is sure to return if prices at the pump don't go down?  Our representatives are supposed to be our voice, but it seems they would rather keep their mouths shut and pad their wallets with our tax dollars than actually do something to help us.

Now I hear on the CBS News that Al Quida had plans to sink oil tankers to drive up the price of oil.  They abandoned that plan, but why?  I think maybe they found a better way to ruin the world economy...Through oil speculation.  That's my theory anyway.  Think about it people.  The prices of oil and gas were a big part of the recent economic crash, even though it seems everyone wants to blame housing.  But the truth is, prices began to rise and people began to lose their jobs long before the housing market crashed.  The cost to employers to do business was rising due to high gas prices.  When people stopped buying because they couldn't afford the higher prices for goods and gas, businesses turned to the banks to keep them afloat.  But the banks refused to lend them any more money to pay their expenses and layoffs and closures were inevitable.  Businesses that go under can't pay their creditors and people who don't have jobs can't make house payments, especially if they're going up.  And so the banks crashed.

And why is it that gas prices go up like a rocket when oil prices rise, but to quote one guy on the news "fall like a feather" when the price of oil goes down?  It's because the oil companies don't pass on the price reduction to us.  They deliberately hold the price up as long as they can by charging their gas stations more than they should so they have to keep the prices high.  Mo  money, mo money, mo money all to the greedy oil companies at our expense...literally.

I for one am sick of all of it and I know you all are too.  Wake up, America!  Demand an investigation into oil speculators and demand fair value at the pumps!     

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