Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Economic headache

Hello again,
Guess what? They are at it again with gas prices in the clouds. It would seem that big oil just can't get enough money in deep pockets to accomodate there what is it this time? It seems to me  any little excuse to raise prices of fuel such as flooding, snowfall, lots of wind or just plain greed. This state of Ohio is not New York or Los Angeles, or any place where big money is. Jobs still don't exist at all for lots of people or families to survive..min wage might go up a bit, but so will prices for food, utilities, your car insurance,mortgage, healthcare and so forth. We all see it, but nobody cares enough to take and put it back into the hands of those who caused it. NO ACCOUNTABLITY!!! WHAT A CROCK!!! And you know this messege will fall on deaf ears and eyes because no one wants to tell them the AMERICAN PEOPLE HAS HAD ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP!!! I'm done ranting, it will not do any good. IT IS TIME TO STEP UP AND BE HEARD AMERICA.

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