Saturday, February 25, 2012

What's on the Menu Today...BACON!!!

Mmm...Bacon!  Fat, succulent meat cut from the belly of big old hog, fried up and sizzling in it's own grease.  Only I'm not actually talking about food here this morning.  I had another kind of fat hog in mind to carve up today--the OIL COMPANIES!!  For those of you following me on google+ you already saw me post my friend Verna's blog and I had to add my two cents. 

The economy sucks, there's no jobs anywhere, and none of that is new news.  Especially not for me.  I grew up in southern Louisiana and I've seen it all happen before back home.  Morgan City had plenty of jobs when I was little.  You could stand on the levy and look out at the gulf and count the oil rigs off shore.  My grandfather worked for one of the oil companies down there too and my dad worked for a company that supplied pipe packing material to the rigs.  Then some bunch of executives in the oil industry got the bright idea to cap wells that were still producing, lay off all the workers and start getting nearly all our oil from OPEC.

One thing the Deep Water Horizon disaster proved is that there's still an abundant supply of oil in the gulf.  But I already knew that.  There is no shortage of oil that we could produce right here in the US folks.  NONE!! There are thousands of capped wells out west too.  I saw those when I drove a semi cross-country.  You know what all that capped oil could be?  JOBS!!!  Hundreds of thousands of jobs!  Cheap prices at the pump!  More jobs in the auto industry again as people could afford new cars.  Cheaper merchandise in the stores 'cause it wouldn't cost so much to ship everything too.  In other words, a BOOMING economy instead of a failing one!!

So why is our government continuing to allow these fat hog oil companies to bury us?  It is within the government's power to say "Enough!" and take over the old wells and cap prices at the pump until the economy recovers.  I keep hearing "The government is not in the banking business" "The government is not in the car making business" "The government is not blah, blah, blah!" How about the government being in the business of doing whatever it takes to get the country solvent again?  How about the government being in the business of getting people off unemployment and welfare and back to work again?  How about the government being in the business of giving us all some hope that things will be better in the future?

Guess what GOVERNMENT!  That IS your JOB!!  The welfare of this country is your JOB!  The economy is your JOB!  It is your JOB to cut the blight and right now the oil companies are causing economic stain and blight to our country!  Not to mention the fact that we keep handing over billions of dollars every year for oil to the middle east, the very people who would like nothing more than to see us crumble as a nation.  Tell me how that makes any sense at all? 

The truth is WE DON'T NEED FOREIGN OIL!!!  We have our own, more than enough to last until a viable alternative is on the market.  If the oil companies cry that they don't have enough refining facilities to produce more fuel, order them to build more!  It's jobs to build more and run more refineries. WIN!  Give them a deadline to produce an affordable alternative fuel.  There's no excuse for them to not be producing ethanol and methanol in abundance.  Cars back in the '40s used to run on the stuff, its not like the car makers don't know how to build engines that can use it.  Sugar is the best source for ethanol and every state in the country can grow sugar!  Every garbage dump in the world produces methane and so does every pig farm, cattle farm, and waste water treatment plant!  These sources are available RIGHT NOW!! We could start production, get people back to work and get the economy strong again all before the next presidential election if the government would just step up, DO THEIR JOB and take charge of the situation! 

America needs to step up and be a leader in the world again and this is how to do it!  Stop being dependent on foreign oil and become the world leader in alternative fuel production!  It's time we carve a big old chunk out of the belly of that fat oil hog and fry us up some bacon!  WAKE UP AMERICA!!  It's BREAKFAST TIME!  Whose HUNGRY?  

1 comment:

  1. Dear Shawn, Thanks for your GREAT website with GREAT COMPASSIONATE NATIONAL ECONOMIC PURPOSE here for us 99% struggling unwealthy Americans who UNFORTUNATELY are too damn IMPOTENT-KOWTOWING-GULLIBLE BRAINWASHED-COWARD-SLOW-LAZY-COMPLACENT-DIVIDED-KNUCKLEHEADED-PETTYPICKING sleeping SHEEP allowing the RUTHLESS sabotaging tyrannizing SUPER-WEALTHY tycoon OPEC OIL-INDUSTRIES to RUN-OVER EXTORT ENSLAVE and KILL us with their HOSTAGE-TORTURING ECONOMIC EXTORTION-TERRORISM against all of us 99% struggling unwealthy Americans!!!! You are SO RIGHT in your excellent caring VOICE OF REASON sensitivity motivation compassion and ACTION to DEMAND and HOLD OUR REPRESENTATIVES and TERRORIST OIL-INDUSTRIES ACCOUNTABLE for their ECONOMIC-POLITICAL TERRORISM on the most struggling vulnerable citizens NOW!!!! Thriving-rich-wealthy-aflluent citizens don't really GIVE A DAMN about the survival of the less-fortunate poor-impoverished-destitute failing citizens of world because they can AFFORD TO PAY HIGH GASOLINE PRICES WITHOUT SUFFERING while the less fortunate can HARDLY-BARELY SURVIVE if at ALL!!!! AmericansforHonestFairSURVIVALJusticeforALL
