Saturday, January 7, 2012

economic chaos 2.2

hello everyone!  this is going to be a fun year. The GOP can't seem to get there affairs in order!  BIG SURPRISE.. since these guys can't come to a mutual ground maybe they need to all drop out until the next big election in 4 years from now!   the reason for this blog is gas is going up again and more jobs seem to be leaving again!  there is a company that has been here for awhile, FORTIS plastics has decided to leave the area and move else where.  more jobs are going away and this is unfair to the  people in the area!  we have all the people from our GOVERNMENT trying to see if they can get something for nothing... at least that is how i view things being with no job because they are to busy worrying about trivia that really isn't really important right now! GIVE GIVE GIVE that what they always are wanting from those that don't have it to give.. what are we to do now?  God forgive us if the wrong people get into office!!!  AMERICA YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!  Please look around you and your community and decide what is most important....people are  till losing there homes due to mortgage companies keeping to higher rates and banks still not lending and so forth and so on!!! 

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