Friday, May 30, 2014

Economic terrorism pt.4

Well now...Here we go again!!! What is the excuse for gas prices being as high as they are today? Prices are as high 4.00 @gal. in some places. We cannot afford this kind of rise...We the working class would have to work double just to make up the difference for these prices, we will end up having to choose again which bills, medical help, food, utilities, and so forth to pay through out the month. Why?? I for one will have to work 5-6 twelve hour days just to pay for expenses needed to live for the months ahead...I think everyone needs to send there congressman a letter stating why they cannot afford this price hike. I also think a boycott of fuel prices is in order to make it heard from the people.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Economic headache

Hello again,
Guess what? They are at it again with gas prices in the clouds. It would seem that big oil just can't get enough money in deep pockets to accomodate there what is it this time? It seems to me  any little excuse to raise prices of fuel such as flooding, snowfall, lots of wind or just plain greed. This state of Ohio is not New York or Los Angeles, or any place where big money is. Jobs still don't exist at all for lots of people or families to survive..min wage might go up a bit, but so will prices for food, utilities, your car insurance,mortgage, healthcare and so forth. We all see it, but nobody cares enough to take and put it back into the hands of those who caused it. NO ACCOUNTABLITY!!! WHAT A CROCK!!! And you know this messege will fall on deaf ears and eyes because no one wants to tell them the AMERICAN PEOPLE HAS HAD ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP!!! I'm done ranting, it will not do any good. IT IS TIME TO STEP UP AND BE HEARD AMERICA.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Economic headache pt.3

Why is it everytime that those up on capital hill get there panties in a bunch we the people pay for it? Shutdown the country if they don't get there way!  what a bunch of children!! It doesn't matter which side you are effects everyone in this country!!  I am tired if all this crap from our leaders, they are supposed make decisions to keep us from harm, not create it! Everything they have done the last several years has started to look more like a state with no guns, church and state are becoming one, freedom of speech gets you lots of trouble, freedom of the press is all but gone, Where has our true freedoms gone?  living the American dream died along time have gone bye bye to other countries, food has gone thru the roof, fuel for cars and our homes keeps rising higher and higher, AND NOW TO THE HEALTHCARE!  it already is in direstraits because of all the crap that can't be agreed upon by our leaders. AND THEY WORK FOR US..NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND .!!  FIRE THE WHOLE LOT FOR JOB ABANDONMENT AND REHIRE NEW LEADERS..( rant over)
So tired of all the BS that rolls down hill and we the lower classes gets it full on while they walk away squeeky clean.  :'(

Sunday, June 2, 2013

economic headache.

hello again,
  here we are coming up on summer time and school is coming to the end with people going on here we go again with the price of GAS going to 4.00 @Gal.  now why would it be so high ?  out west they are cleaning up and trying to rebuild people's lives.  it seems to me with everything that is happening that the price of fuel would stay at a low rate or go down,  BUT NO it has to go up !!  the cost of living is still not where it should are still not the best..the economy is still fragile as eggs,  and our troops are still being sent overseas for whatever reason..some are coming home..(GOD BLESS THESE FOLKS)!!  I don't know about all of you out there but I can't keep paying high prices for fuel.  if I have to keep paying 50.00 to 60.00 a week just for gas ...well think about it!
this is about medicine, food, mortgage.
it all adds up and you have to start choosing of what is needed and what is not!! now mind you it can also be heating fuel or whatever requires you need.  but you have to look at what you have and what it will take to survive and it is not looking good for the consumer..but big business is getting the wealth and we are paying for it..I don't know what else to say about it..each of us has a right to ask our REPS. from our state the reasons for this..that is if you get the truth !! I for one deserve to know why!! 
talk about a headache when you have to save money for fuel.. instead of the table or a roof over your head..damn tired of it!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

economic chaos / headache 4

well folks it's election time again! Gas prices are in the clouds, jobs are scarce across the country and we still have are men and women in the middle east....I'm not going to tell you who to vote for, that is your God given right on freedom to vote.(FREEDOM) lets think about this for a moment shall we. The question is do you want your freedom taken away or do you want to keep everything that was fought for in blood,sweat and tears!  I have one Question about our candidates running?  one man can care less about the middle class as long he gets what he wants, the other is trying to keep it real as possible, at least that is what is portrayed to the American people...Do you want a mormon to run the country? or do you want someone who says is a christian?   Right now I personally don"t want a mormon president because your religious freedom will be gone in a flash!!! and at least right now we still have our freedom as an American people..think about this for a minute!! One man wants to stay at war with our neighbors and the other wants to bring them home. taxes will be so high thru one that the middle class to lower class will lose everything if they go with another candidate. or you can stay and ride it out with the current candidate..oh and healthcare under the running candidate, Women will have no say in anything, women's rights will be set back 100 least under the current candidate women have a right to choose...think about what it would be like to have no freedom of religion or freedom to vote,speech, right to assemble in public, right to bear arms,  these rights will go bye bye under the running candidate..( now I know this will upset some people, and I am sorry) but this is how I feel about the way this election is going and I personally don't want another Republican to ruin this great nation of ours!!! 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

economic chaos/ headaches 3.1

hello again!  well as know we coming in elections again, and everything seems to be in turmoil with all that is happening. Again jobs are still hard to find and employers still don't want to pay a good wage for employment..In the last month Lexmark has laid off 1700 people! ( 1700) now lets think about this for a moment, Does this sound like our economic growth in the plus?  YEAH RIGHT!  I've got land on pluto for sale! this is how much **%$#@  that is given to the American people!!! And I haven't even touched on Gas prices at the pump!  Last week I saw prices roller coaster, I got gas as low as 3.54 a gal, then it went up to 3.68 a gal, then 3.84 a gal. and this was at one station in less than 8 hrs or less!  then there were 2 stations across the road from each other---3.68 at one 3.98 at the other!  talk about empty pockets to pay for gas!! Now here's a real boot to the HOLE, prices around GA especially around Atlanta are above 4.00 in some places...but they have ALT. backup called the MARTA system..which is their small rail and bus system they use to get from all over. And for what you pay in Gas prices at the pump,  it might be cheaper to just ride the secondary to get where you need to go.  But since I don't live in Atlanta, I really can't give a good rant about how things are being handled by the people of this awesome state!   FOLKS I CAN'T KEEP RANTING ABOUT THESE THINGS IF NOBODY CARES ENOUGH!!  IT TAKES EVERYONE TO SAY WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS CRAP ANYMORE!!!! I'm tired of being taken to the cleaners over gas prices and no jobs and so forth!! But when you go to the polls, please please please-keep in mind that whomever you vote for, make it count for something!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

economic terrorism pt3

hello again America!  This is your wake up call again!!!  here we are again talking about things such as economic issues and prices at the pump and being dumped on.....well WE are being dumped on again!!! today as I was driving thru town I noticed that gas prices not only jumped between 25 to 40 cents a gal..and it depends on which station you go all jumped up in less than 8 hrs..speedway is now 3.48, UDF is now 3.69 and BP is now at 3.85 a you figure that if you subtract the above that is what it was for last weeks prices and some was to me this is just not right and we as a people need to just say enough is enough ,  YEAH right our economy is in recovery, jobs are still scarce and things are still not right with our system....personally I think this is just a conspiracy with the oil companies to drive prices up so they get a big profit and we get the shaft and paying the bill after all is done and said!!!I could care less if it is an election year..Wake up folks! they are just putting fright in your life when they should be putting hope and trying to do a better job about the economy...I can't stress enough that you America have the power over what happens not what goes on up on the hill...recall the Governors and the senators and representatives that are not looking out for the interests of the people..I for one have had enough with the jumping around of  prices in stores or at the pump. I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY ABOUT THIS MATTER...folks we can not survive as long as this keeps on track like it is...WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TO LATE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT....DON'T WAIT UNTIL ELECTION TIME TO TRY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, DO IT NOW !!!