Monday, October 8, 2012

economic chaos / headache 4

well folks it's election time again! Gas prices are in the clouds, jobs are scarce across the country and we still have are men and women in the middle east....I'm not going to tell you who to vote for, that is your God given right on freedom to vote.(FREEDOM) lets think about this for a moment shall we. The question is do you want your freedom taken away or do you want to keep everything that was fought for in blood,sweat and tears!  I have one Question about our candidates running?  one man can care less about the middle class as long he gets what he wants, the other is trying to keep it real as possible, at least that is what is portrayed to the American people...Do you want a mormon to run the country? or do you want someone who says is a christian?   Right now I personally don"t want a mormon president because your religious freedom will be gone in a flash!!! and at least right now we still have our freedom as an American people..think about this for a minute!! One man wants to stay at war with our neighbors and the other wants to bring them home. taxes will be so high thru one that the middle class to lower class will lose everything if they go with another candidate. or you can stay and ride it out with the current candidate..oh and healthcare under the running candidate, Women will have no say in anything, women's rights will be set back 100 least under the current candidate women have a right to choose...think about what it would be like to have no freedom of religion or freedom to vote,speech, right to assemble in public, right to bear arms,  these rights will go bye bye under the running candidate..( now I know this will upset some people, and I am sorry) but this is how I feel about the way this election is going and I personally don't want another Republican to ruin this great nation of ours!!!