Tuesday, September 4, 2012

economic chaos/ headaches 3.1

hello again!  well as know we coming in elections again, and everything seems to be in turmoil with all that is happening. Again jobs are still hard to find and employers still don't want to pay a good wage for employment..In the last month Lexmark has laid off 1700 people! ( 1700) now lets think about this for a moment, Does this sound like our economic growth in the plus?  YEAH RIGHT!  I've got land on pluto for sale! this is how much **%$#@  that is given to the American people!!! And I haven't even touched on Gas prices at the pump!  Last week I saw prices roller coaster, I got gas as low as 3.54 a gal, then it went up to 3.68 a gal, then 3.84 a gal. and this was at one station in less than 8 hrs or less!  then there were 2 stations across the road from each other---3.68 at one 3.98 at the other!  talk about empty pockets to pay for gas!! Now here's a real boot to the HOLE, prices around GA especially around Atlanta are above 4.00 in some places...but they have ALT. backup called the MARTA system..which is their small rail and bus system they use to get from all over. And for what you pay in Gas prices at the pump,  it might be cheaper to just ride the secondary to get where you need to go.  But since I don't live in Atlanta, I really can't give a good rant about how things are being handled by the people of this awesome state!   FOLKS I CAN'T KEEP RANTING ABOUT THESE THINGS IF NOBODY CARES ENOUGH!!  IT TAKES EVERYONE TO SAY WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS CRAP ANYMORE!!!! I'm tired of being taken to the cleaners over gas prices and no jobs and so forth!! But when you go to the polls, please please please-keep in mind that whomever you vote for, make it count for something!